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THIS PAGE LAST UPDATED:  16th March, 2009


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Haim Weinberg - photograph

Haim Weinberg Ph.D, the owner of this site,  is a clinical psychologist (licensed in both California, PSY23243 and Israel), group analyst and Certified Group Psychotherapist (USA), now in California, USA. He is the past President of the Israeli Association of Group Psychotherapy and the President-Elect of the Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society (NCGPS),  a faculty member of the group facilitators training program in Tel-Aviv University, ex-director of the group leaders training program in Bet Berl College, and taught in the Integrative Psychotherapy program, Buber Center, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He now teaches at the Wright Institute in Berkeley and the Alliant International University. He is a member of the Board of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy (IAGP), and a member of The American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) and the Group Analytic Society (GAS). Haim is the list-owner of the group psychotherapy professional online discussion forum and is the creator and coordinator of a new online doctoral program in group psychotherapy. His professional interests lie in the areas of group processes and group therapy, multicultural issues, conflict resolution, trauma groups, Internet & Large Groups and the Social Unconscious.

To find out more about Haim, you can download Haim's CV in Micrososft Word format here.

To find out more about Haim's new private practice in Sacramento, California, please see:
* the opening announcement

* information about Haim's therapeutic work
* details of a new therapy group forming in midtown Sacramento

Haim will soon be publishing a book about groups on the internet. For more details, contact Haim at haimw at group-psychotherapy.com.

To submit a resource for inclusion in this site (only if you are an authorized contact person for the resource in question), please send an email to
haimw at group-psychotherapy.com, including any relevant dates, languages and, if possible, a URL (website address) for further information.

To contact Haim, please write to haimw at group-psychotherapy.com.

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