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17th October, 2012


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Stay tuned for further details about the following resources, as well as information about other sites of interest to group psychotherapists...

International International Association of Facilitators
  International Association of Group Psychotherapy (IAGP)
  International Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups (AASWG)
  International Forum for Social Innovation (IFSI)
  International Psychodrama Network (includes links to other psychodrama sites)
  The International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO)
  The Lifwynn Foundation
  Opus - Organisation for the Understanding of Society
  The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Europe European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Public Sector (EFPP) - Group Psychotherapy Section
  European Group Analytic Training Institutions Network (EGATIN)
  Federation of European Psychodrama Training Institutes (FEPTO)
  Group-Analytic Society (London)
Australia The Australian Association of Group Psychotherapists Incorporated (AAGP Inc)
Australian and New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc (ANZPA)
Moreno Psychodrama Society (Australia and Aotearoa)
Austria Austrian Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Dynamics (OAGG)


Sociedade Brasileira de Psicoterapia Dinamica de Grupo (SOBRAP) (in Portuguese)
Canada The Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association (CGPA)
Denmark Institute for Gruppeanalyse - IGA, Aarhus, Denmark (in Danish)
Finland Ryhmäanalyysi Finnish Group Analytic Society (in Finnish)
Suomen Ryhmäpsykoterapia Ry - Finnish Association of Group Psychotherapy (in Finish)
Germany Institut fuer Therapeutische und Angewandte Gruppenanalyse Muenster (in German)
  Institute fur Gruppenanalyse Heidelberg e. V. (Institute for Group Analysis Heidelberg, Germany -  in German)
Greece HAGAP
  Hellenic Organisation of Psychotherapy & Education in Group Analysis
(HOPE in GA)
Ireland The Irish Group Analytic Society (IGAS)
Israel Igroups - The Israeli Community of Group Faciliatators (in Hebrew)
Israeli Institute of Group Analysis
  Israeli Association of Group Psychotherapy
  OFEK - The Israel Association for the Study of Group and Organizational Processes
Italy Centro Esperienze e Studi di Management (CESMA)
  Confederation of Italian Organizations for Analytical Research on Groups (C.O.I.R.A.G.)
Netherlands Dutch Association for Group Psychotherapy (NVGP)
Norway Institute of Group Analysis Norway (in Norwegian)
Portugal Portuguese Group Analytic Society
Spain Spanish Group Psychotherapy Association (Sociedad Espanola de Psicoterapia y Tecnicas de Grupo)
Turkey Turkish Association of Group Psychotherapies (in Turkish)
U.K. Group Analysis North (GAN) - Northern England
  The Group-Analytic Practice - England
  Institute of Group Analysis - UK
  Institute of Group Analysis - Scotland
  The Tavistock Institute
  The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust
  The Turvey Institute of Group-Analytic Psychotherapy
U.S.A. American Group Psychotherapy Association - AGPA:
     Atlanta Group Psychotherapy Society

 Arizona Group Psychotherapy Society
     Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society (EGPS)
     Illinois Group Psychotherapy Society
     Houston Group Psychotherapy Society
     Los Angeles Group Psychotherapy Society
     Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society
     Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society

     Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy
     Philadelphia Area Group Therapy Society
     Puget Sound Group Psychotherapy Network (PSGPN)
     San Diego Group Psychotherapy Society

     Southwestern Group Psychotherapy Society
     Westchester Group Psychotherapy Society
  The American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP)
  Association for Specialists in Group-Work (ASGW)
  Center for Group Learning (CGL)
  Center for the Study of Group Processes (University of Iowa)
  Center for the Study of Work Teams - University of North Texas
  Division 49 of the American Psychological Association (APA): Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy
  Group Psychotherapy Association of Southern California
  Process Work Center (Portland, Oregon, USA)
  Research Center for Group Dynamics (University of Michigan)
  The Systems-Centered Training Institute (SCTI)
  Washington-Baltimore Center of the A. K. Rice Institute
  Forsyth's Group Dynamics Resources Page
  Social Psychology Network
  Tavistock and Organizational Consultation Resource Page (English and Spanish)
  Grupoanalisis (English and Spanish)
  Act-!N-Play - Bulgarian Website for Creative and Drama Approaches in Psychotherapy
  Nelson, V & Roller, B (1997) The Promise of Group Therapy: A live-to-tape demonstration of time-limited therapy. San Francisco, CA, Jossey Bass.

To submit a resource for inclusion in this site
(only if you are an authorized contact person for the resource in question), please send an email to haimw at group-psychotherapy.com, including any relevant dates, languages and, if possible, a URL (website address) for further information.

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